Free crochet pattern
Pot Holder
UK - Aus etc. Format
WS. Wrong Side
RS. Right Side
ch. Chain
ss. Slip Stitch
dc. Double Crochet
htr. Half Treble Crochet
rpt. Repeat
Approx size: 9” x 9”
100 gram ball of Patons 100% Cotton DK in main colour
Oddment of Patons 100% Cotton DK in contrast colour
5.00mm, 4.50mm & 3.50mm crochet hooks
TENSION - 5dc and 4 rows of dc measure approx 1 inch square
Potholder (make 2 pieces the same) - Using 5.00mm hook and main colour, make 36ch, change to 4.50mm hook, work 1dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1dc into each ch to end. Turn. (35dc)
Pattern Row - 1ch, 1dc into front loop of dc in base of 1ch, * 1dc into back loop of next
dc, 1dc into front loop of next dc, * rpt from * to * to end. Turn.
The last row forms the pattern rpt row 32 more times, making 34 rows in all or work measures approx 8” from beginning. Turn.
Edging - Working through both pieces of pot holder throughout and using 3.50mm hook make 1ch, 2dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each dc to last dc, 3dc into last dc, working into row ends down first side of potholder, work 33dc evenly along to next corner, 3dc into corner, 1dc into each ch along cast on edge to corner, 3dc into corner, working into row ends up second side of potholder, work 33dc evenly along to next corner, 1dc into corner, ss to first dc. Turn.
Next Row - 1ch, 2dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each dc around all four sides of potholder, working 3dc into corners, ss to first dc. Turn.
Next Row - 1ch, 2dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each dc to first corner, 1dc into corner, make 8ch, 1dc into same corner, work 1dc into each dc around remaining three sides working 3dc into corners, ss to first dc. Turn. Fasten off.
Next Row - Join in contrast colour, make 1ch, 2dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each dc around all four sides of potholder, working 3dc into corners and 10dc into 8ch space, ss
to first dc. Fasten off.
Motif - With 4.00mm hook and main colour, make 6ch, ss to first ch to make a ring, 1ch, work 8dc into ring, ss to first dc. Turn. Fasten off.
Next Row - (Petals) Join in contrast colour yarn and make * 7ch, 1htr into 3rd ch from hook, 1htr into each ch to end (5htr + 2ch) ss to next dc, * rpt from * to * to end, ss to first dc. Fasten off. ( 8 Petals)
Finishing - Sew in and tie off loose ends of yarn on motif. Attach motif to corner opposite 8ch loop, sew in and tie off loose ends of yarn on potholder.
Hope you enjoy this free crochet pattern.
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